3. Project Evaluation

To be a participating contestant in the 2024 International Blockchain Olympiad (IBCOL 2024), a project shall be evaluated against the following criteria across the following stages of the relevant project deliverables for a chance to win the following accolades:

3.1 Evaluation Criteria

IBCOL 2024 teams shall be evaluated by a common foundational framework for comparing vastly different projects.

  • (40%) Commercial Depth: justified use of trust infrastructure and appropriate blockchain network design; feasible, viable, and sustainable operating and governance model.
  • (30%) Technical Depth: detailed and well thought out in the solution design, beyond only business or only technology.
  • (20%) Presentability: concise information transmission and ability to express complex concepts.
  • (10%) Originality: the ability to combine different concepts into something atypical or special.

3.2 Accolades

IBCOL 2024 teams have the chance to win a wide range of accolades.

  • By Categories, i.e. by social, economic, and environmental impact:
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Gold Medal Award: project ranked 1st out of all teams in their category
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Silver Medal Award: project ranked 2nd out of all teams in their category
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Bronze Medal Award: project ranked 3rd out of all teams in their category
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Awards of Distinction: for all teams that were in the consideration for Top 4
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Awards of Merit: for all teams that demonstrated superior achievement at the Expo
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Award of Recognition: for all teams that were invited to the Expo but did not receive an AoM
    • IBCOL 2024 Preliminary, Award of Recognition: for all teams that were considered for the Expo but not chosen
  • By Criteria (and 2 runner-ups), i.e. across all categories, by evaluation criteria:
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Best Commercial Depth Award: for teams that demonstrated the most solid solution design overall, completely justifying the use of decentralized trusted infrastructure and excellent governance and identity considerations.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Best Technical Depth Award: for teams that demonstrated the most robust and resilient solution architecture design, incorporating all aspects of business, technology, and otherwise.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Best Presentability Award: for teams that had completely seized all the chances to show their quality: proposal deck, paper, pictures (video), poster, and pitches.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Best Originality Award: for teams that had the most creative or novel solution or definition of problem or challenge statement.
  • By Consensus, i.e. voted by attendees and weighted prop by their participation at IBCOL 2024:
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Most Impactful Project Award: for a team deemed by the people to have the potential to make a dent in the universe.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Most Sustainable Project Award: for a team deemed by the people to do things not because they were compelled to do those things, or because they think those are good things to do, but rather because those are the right things to do.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Most Sophisticated Project Award: for a team deemed by the people to embody the spirit of simplicity as the ultimate sophistication.
    • IBCOL 2024 Finals, Most Ambitious Project Award: for a team deemed by the people to be most successful with the aid of a reality distortion field.